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Welcome to Thomasville Veterinary Hospital Urgent Care + Surgery! Here you can find information about your pet's first visit to our veterinary hospital.

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Your First Visit, Thomasville Vet

Pets are at the heart of all we do. 

With decades of experience and a sincere passion for animals, our team is dedicated to our patients and the people who love them.

If there's one thing we've learned over the years, it's that knowing what to expect during their first appointment with us will make the process go more smoothly for our clients and their pets.

Here, learn what to expect at your pet's first appointment, along with information about our office and helpful resources for pet owners. 

Request an Appointment

  • Just wanted to say a special thank you to everyone who helped Pammy through her surgery and recovery. Thomasville Vet truly understands that dogs are family. Dr. Milliren and the Thomasville Vet staff are simply the best!
    - Chelsea P.

What You Can Expect on Your First Visit

At your pet's first appointment, you'll be able to get acquainted with our team. We will welcome you and your pet to our Thomasville Veterinary Hospital Urgent Care + Surgery family.

1 | Arrival

Please try to arrive about 10 minutes before your appointment time to fill out a New Patient Form for your pet. If you'd prefer, you can fill complete it online and submit it to us.

Complete a New Patient Form

2 | Initial Assessment

You and your pet will meet your vet. At this appointment, your vet will review your pet's health history and discuss any goals you may have for your pet's care.

3 | Examination

Your vet will thoroughly examine your pet, checking their coat, skin, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, legs, joints, abdomen, and anal sacs.

Using a stethoscope, the vet will listen to your pet's heart and lungs. Senior pets may have other tests as well, such as blood tests and a physical check of their internal systems. If your pet needs any of their annual vaccinations or lab work, we will make sure they are up to date during this appointment.

4 | Prescriptions & Checkout

At the end of your appointment, your veterinary assistant will discuss any at-home care or medication instructions with you. You will be able to schedule any recommended follow-up appointments.

Hospital FAQs

Pet Owner Resources

Here are some helpful links for your pet's health.

Access Your Pet's Medical Records

Sign In

New Patient Form

Fill Out

Request a Refill on Prescriptions & Products

Request Refill

Keep in the Know

Access your pet's healthcare records, view upcoming appointments, receive reminders, collaborate with your vet, and more.

Conveniently find all the information you need via desktop, or visit your mobile app store to download the PetPage App to begin.

Access Pet Records

Financing Options

We know vet bills can sometimes come at a difficult or unexpected time.

At Thomasville Veterinary Hospital Urgent Care + Surgery, we're happy to accept CareCredit and ScratchPay payment options to ensure your pet receives proper care when they need it most.


New patients always welcome!

Whether you need urgent care for your pet or you're looking for a vet in Davidson County, we welcome you to our family at Thomasville Veterinary Hospital Urgent Care + Surgery.

Referrals may be required for some specialty services. Please contact us to learn more.

Book Online

Book Online (336) 475-9119